2019 Jan 12th - 19th - 'The Time Machine', Shanghai, China 2018 Aug 3rd - 19th - 'The Time Machine', Scottish Storytelling Centre Mar 17th - 'The Time Machine', The Brunton theatre, Mussellborough. Mar 11th - 'The Time Machine', Falkirk Town Hall theatre. Feb 25th - 'The Time Machine' Beacon Arts centre, Greenock. Feb 25th - 'The Time Machine', Moniave Feb 24th - 'The Time Machine', Lochside Community Centre. Feb 23rd - 'The Time Machine', Catstrand Feb 17th - 'The Time Machine', Scottish Storytelling Centre
2017 Aug 19th - 'The Room in the Elephant', Carlisle Fringe. Aug 8th - 12th 'The Room in the Elephant', The Hive, Edinburgh Fringe. June 4th - 'Fake Hip Gnosis', Rialto Theatre, Brighton May 29th - 'Fake Hip Gnosis' Rialto Theatre, Brighton May 16th - 17th, 9pm - 'The Room in the Elephant', Marlborough Theatre, Bton. May 8th - 9th, 8pm - 'The Room in the Elephant', Marlborough Theatre, Bton. March 18th - 19th -' The Room in the Elephant', Hen and Chickens theatre, London. March 4th - 'The Room in the Elephant' (extract) Phantasmagoria Cabaret, Hoxton Hall.
2016 May 10th - 11th - 'Fake Hip Gnosis', Marlborough Theatre, Brighton. April 16th - 'The Room in the Elephant', Chats Palace, London. Various dates and locations - 'You're Getting Warmer', performer for Pebble Gorge. 2015 Nov 20th - 22nd - 'The Room in the Elephant', Marlborough Theatre, Brighton. May 26th & 27th - 'The Room in the Elephant' - Brighton Fringe, Marlborough Theatre,
2014 Dec 21st & 22nd - 'Litlle Honkey' - Happy Clap Trap Nativity Panto, Marlborough theatre. Nov 21st - Buddhism: is it Just for Losers? - Mimetic festival, London. Nov 7th & 8th - Buddhism: Is it Just for Losers? - Camden Peoples Theatre, London. Oct 3rd & 4th - Buddhism: Is it Just for Losers? - Marlborough Theatre, Brighton. Aug 18th - 31st - Utrecht summer school on research in 'Play'. June 21st - Naive Dance cabaret version - University of Brighton June 6th - Naive Dance & Buddhism cabaret versions - Chats Palace, London. May 31st - June 2nd - Buddhism: Is it Just for Losers? - Marlborough Theatre, Brighton May 6th - 'Happy Clap Trap Spiegeltent Special', Old Steine Pleasure Gardens, Brighton. April 16th - Happy Clap Trap - Lay a little egg for me, Marlborough Theatre, Brighton. March 27th - 'Naive Dance Masterclass', Canada Water Cultural Space, London. March 17th - 23rd - Performer in Still Night, Kochi, Japan. Feb 21st - 24th - Puppetry workshop leader, American School in Shanghai. Feb 12th - 'Happy Clap Trap - I Heart Throbbing' - valentine special, Marlborough, Brighton.
2013 Dec 11th - Son of the Nativity Panto - Marlborough Theatre, Brighton Oct 23rd - 27th - Naive Dance Masterclass - Soho Theatre, London Oct 16th - The Happy Clap Trap - Marlborough Theatre, Brighton May 30th - June 1st - Buddhism: Is it Just for Losers? - Brighton Fringe - The Nightingale. May 29th - The Happy Clap Trap - Marlborough Theatre, Brighton May 26th - Punched Cabaret - Humanette on the Hill - The Old Market Theatre, Brighton April 12th & 13th - Punched Cabaret - Dancing Robot - Nightingale Theatre, Brighton Feb - March - Directing Jon Hicks’ Adult Prodigy - Jackson’s Lane Theatre, London
2012 19th December - The Happy Clap Trap - Nativity Panto Marlborough Theatre, Brighton 19th October - Naive Dance Masterclass - Merge Festival, London 19th - 21st October The Terrible Shaman - Nuit Blanche festival, Amien, France & Naive Dance Masterclass - ‘Duckie’, Vauxhall Tavern, London 11th October Flow Theory and Me, Catalyst Club talk, Latest Music Bar, Brighton 26th & 27th July - The Terrible Shaman - Milton Keynes fringe festival. 16th June - Naive Dance Masterclass - Festival PerAspera, Bologna, Italy 26th & 27th May - The Terrible Shaman - ‘Dip Your Toe’ - Brighton Fringe festival 6th & 13th May - Naive Dance Masterclass - Brighton Fringe Festival - The Old Market Theatre
2011 Dec - Evolutionary Psychology & Me, Catalyst Club talk - Latest Music Bar, Brighton. Aug 14th-29th - Naive Dance Masterclass - Edinburgh Fringe Festival July 22nd-23rd - Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death - Oxford Play House, Oxford May 6th - 8th - Naive Dance Masterclass - Brighton Fringe Festival - Nightingale Theatre April 27th - Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death - Riverhead Theatre, Louth March 3rd-4th - Naive Dance Masterclass - Sprint Fest. Camden People’s Theatre,london Feb 10th - Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death- Square Chapel Arts Centre, Halifax Jan 25th - Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death - The Hawth, Crawley
2010 Dec 31st - Private Parts - Fresh from the Over, Brighton. Nov 24th - Dec 11th - Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death - Camden People’s Theatre. May 21st-22nd - Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death - The Arches, Glasgow May 14th-15th Dean Gibbons and the K of D - Bristol Mayfest, Tobacco Factory May 11th Dean Gibbons and the K of D - Caravan showcase, Basement (B'ton) April 15th - Dean Gibbons and the K of D - Colchester Arts Centre April 2nd-3rd and 9th-10th - Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death - Shunt Vaults. March 25th-26th - Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death - Sprint Fest Camden People’s.